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How Skincare Isn't The First Step To Skin Care...

How Skincare Isn't The First Step To Skin Care...

Okay, let me explain.

Sure, skincare, as in skincare products are going to have a massive impact on your skin. If you use the best products in the world, AKA, Eleganza products; then you will see a massive impact on your skin (shameful plug).

However, that's not where things start. You can use our products and they will work, but if you don't sort out your internal issues, those problems that you have will continue to show.

So skin care starts on the inside, wow, a 'skincare brand' telling the truth; feels refreshing, doesn't it?

Anyways, down below I have listed internal factors that seriously affect your skin (and health in general)...enjoy. Well, don't enjoy, do something about it I suppose.


1. Diet and nutrition:

This is pretty simple. Most foods that we are consuming as a society (especially as a western society) are becoming more and more processed, cheaply made (to increase profits) with little to no actual nutrients; they are just calories. Hence why we eat more and more because they don’t fulfil our basic needs. Now before this becomes a boring science lesson of me telling you everything you do is bad, I should say, that of course, you should indulge from time to time, but in moderation. 

Instead of consuming those empty calories everyday, try to eat more whole foods, real foods that are actually good for you. And you can experiment, what is good for you may not be good for me; we’re different (shock). Stay hydrated with at least 2l of water per day, eat whole foods as a whole, (see what I did there); just the basics, nothing too hard & watch your life change. You’re welcome.

2. Stress:

Stress has been notoriously known to age your skin and cause breakouts. Stress can affect hydration, collagen production, inflammation and a lot of other things that cause your mind, skin, hair and body to suffer. There is an old saying, tbh I’m not sure if it is an old saying or something I made up in my head, but it goes something like this ‘your whole life shows on your face’ - I’ve definitely butchered that but we all know what it means. You can see when people have had a hard life.  

A couple of interesting studies recently show that how you perceive stress has a significant impact on the way your body and mind deal with it. So, if you see a stressful situation as a challenge, just say an exam, it will have a positive impact on your body whereas if you perceive it as a stressful situation, then your body will react as it usually does to stress - negatively. 

My favourite thing to do, when it comes to stress and in life in general is to be in the moment, because that’s all we have. I know, I sound like a hippy, I’m not trying to; but most of the time, we stress about things that haven’t even happened yet, or about situations in the past. The present, is the only thing we should focus on, and in the present, you may find that there is nothing to stress about. There is a quote by Seneca I believe, he says ‘we suffer more in imagination than reality’, and the more and more I listen to people, the more and more I believe that to be true.

3. Gut health:

Honestly, the more and more (I should learn a different phrase) I learn about the gut & its importance, the more and more (honestly, I should learn a new phrase) I am staggered (wow, staggered, big word, proud of myself) of why we aren’t talking about it more. The gut microbiome consists of millions, in fact it might be trillions - so trillions of bacteria that influences different parts of human health; this includes skin, physical and mental health.

There is emerging evidence that shows links between your gut microbiome and skin conditions such as acne, rosacea and atopic dermatitis. Other things that it affects is your immune system modulation, inflammation, nutrient absorption, mental health issues and more. So I would say that your gut health should be one of your top priorities, but I am just a guy so don’t just listen to me. Do your own research. 

4. Hormones:

Honestly, I don’t think hormones are spoken about it enough, especially for women. Some of the main hormones that seriously affect skin texture, clarity and appearance are Estrogen and Progesterone. Both of which are highly impacted during ‘that time of the month’. So ladies, relax, is it fair? I don’t know, probably not. But if you’re having a breakout during ‘that time of the month’, it’s because it’s that time of the month. Nothing more. PS. Our Crystal Mask will still help get rid of that breakout faster. Available on eleganzaskin.com now. *wink wink*

5. Lifestyle Choices:

Now, if you smoke, you drink, you vape, you make bad lifestyle choices - what do you expect? Must I say anymore? I’m not saying you shouldn’t do it, you really probably shouldn’t, but what I’m saying is that if you eat poop, expect your breath to smell like it. You know what I mean?

6. Movement:

Okay, now this one gets on my nerves. People will read all the self help books, buy all the skin care products, read everything on mental and physical health, buy the best activewear and yet they still won’t do any physical activity or limit their physical activity. 

At this point, we all know, or should know (if you don’t, google it) how important movement is for our physical, mental and spiritual well being. I know it can be difficult to fit in as a single mom maybe, or someone that works two jobs (both could very well be the same person). But if you want to feel better, do better and look better; it is a must and I hope, for your sake, that you can fit it in more this year.


Truly, besides the jokes (if that’s what I want to call them), I hope this genuinely helps you and you can become the best version of yourself. May we all be able to feel good in our skin (sounds like I’ve ended it in a prayer, feel like saying amen). 
